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What to do when the touch screen does not work

1 Answer

+13 votes

1. Check the screen
First you have to evaluate that the screen is not damaged or broken at some point. Because if that is the case, you will have to contact the manufacturer of the equipment.

2. Clean
If a decal has been placed, it is convenient to remove it. It is also suggested to clean the screen with some of the liquids for that purpose that are sold in different stores.

3. Activate safe mode
It is possible that the inconvenience is caused by some application. If this is the case, when activating the device in safe mode, the screen should respond again. To activate this option you have to press the power button. When the Shutdown option appears, click on it and you will see a new window where you will be asked if you want to restart the computer in safe mode.

Press OK and see if doing so works correctly. If so, then you must remove the applications that have been installed lately, one by one, to identify the source of the problem.

4. Verify if it is a local inconvenience or not
Open the notification panel by sliding your finger from the upper left to the lower right. If the menu is released at some point more than once, it could be a localized problem, in which case the manufacturer should be contacted.

5. Reset the equipment
To restore the factory settings of the device, you must enter Configurations, where this option appears. Keep in mind that by opting for this alternative, all associated app and data will be deleted. Only the information that has been stored in the cloud will remain. Therefore, it is suggested to create a backup before performing this step.

Finally, if none of this works, then you have to contact the manufacturer to ask them to evaluate whether it is appropriate to make a repair or replacement of equipment.

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